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Health Workers - Community Health Workers- DID YOU KNOW CEUs are available through IPHI?

CHW Liberation Consulting aims to produce what our community health workers and health workers need. Therefore, we try out, we go out to community events, support many platforms, volunteer to gain relationships and we continue education in all areas where we can self develop and grow.

Today, we are sharing because we recently took a course "Engaging Various Populations". Although well versed in this area coming from the training from a University Healthcare System where we worked in population health and transitional care for all types of populations in our undermarganilized and underserved communities. We loved this course hosted by IPHI.

If you are not familiar with IPHI-)

Institue for Public Health Innovation offers an array of very important education for us as Community Health Workers. Not only do they offer CEUs, they have a catalog of subjects as well as a wealth of resources.

Looking for a great platform and a great team to be a part of, you should check them out, I highly recommend them for alot of your educational needs.

IPHI- Link:

Contact them today for more information, they are a great team of professionals.

Let us know how you make out.


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