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Self Care 101- New Year- New YOU!

Writer's picture: Chantay HarrisChantay Harris

2023 has been so many challenges that I as a CCHW and an advocate for others, I look at my own selfcare practices and ask myself can I sustain the things that I have and continue to endure? How did I help myself? I journal and document alot that has happened.

Changes are coming, a new year is coming and a new ME will follow along. All the times this year I have had my personal space violated, not included in spaces where I should have been, DEI is out the window as I sit at tables and had conversations with so called Leaders who ignored my tears, sat at tables with real life experience and expertise and not being heard, reached out for help to develop programs got ignored, endured disrespect, humiliated and embarrassed by being yelled at (yes at this age, which is a trigger), insensitivity, cultural insensitivity, creating self doubt, lack of security in a space where you work hard to support others and some.

Thank you to those very few who support my vision on helping me with my platform, expertise in areas where I gained knowledge and seeing my value for creating a space for our communities to thrive. Which is my only vision and hope.

Well, this new Me in 2024 has come up with a plan of action, created avenues for myself as I grow in spaces that I will be valued because sustainability not only for me and my self value, self care and self importance while I have already had and continue to have proven results in my life's purpose will never be silenced and devalued.

How did I come to this conclusion, no more losing sleep at night (to us as elders sleep is valuable), I had to ask myself these SIX VALUABLE QUESTIONS! The responses will help you and I with being AGENTS OF CHANGE FOR OUR HEALING, GROWTH AND EMBRASING NEW OPPORTUNITIES AND SUSTAIN OUR OWN SELF WORTH.

The new year is coming how can we welcome it better ask youself these important questions.

  1. Does your current space, environment, job, partner, people, places and things align with the life you want to live?

  2. Is this person, place or thing raising your energy or lowering it?

  3. Is this person, place serve your greater purpose?

  4. Are my actions in tune with the better version of myself?

  5. Does this make me feel good now?

  6. Are the choices I am making solely for myself or others?

  7. Am I considered or told that you are valuable or appreciated?

Sustainability in every area of our lives is crucial to our self care. I have made a conscious decision to stop being in spaces where I am not valued while I value others. It is important for us to be in sustainable spaces no matter where they are, but times we don't recoginize what sustainable space in self care looks like. Let me help you since we can fall into what I have fell into many times this year in my current space, walking and functioning in mental health issues, functioning and walking in depression, putting on a false smile and a hiding the false sense of hope but still showing up for others who are not appreciating that lack of knowlege and insensitive to YOUR needs to be poured into. So you hide it all, and are robotic to the insensitivy of those around you. How do we know they could be going through the same mental health issues you are? We don't have to stay stuck in sadness or on an emotional rollercoaster. It is time to be emotionally fulfilled. Let's reach for the stars together. It may be hard to move on but we gave it our best shot! It's time to move up! WE are called to move forward to the next phase in our lives, to our higher purpose.

What does sustainability in self care mean and what does it look like?

  1. Diet change is key- eating a healthy plant- based diet will not only help you but will help sustain our environment.

  2. Exercise- practicing mindfulness, meditation, yoga and spirituality is key and most essential keys to letting go and moving forward with calming the mind & coping with stessors of the day, month and year.

  3. Space and environment- decluttering your space, cleaning your environment, giving and making space to receive is key to promoting greater positive energy. Some things in our environment have energies that we need to let go of or pass on to benefit others such as clothes, pictures, etc.

  4. Nature-going outside is healing for me and it can be for you, rain is cleansing, cold is healing and heat, sunshine, moon are all have special elements waiting for you. Not only will you appreciate the beauty of nature it also has many health benefits.

  5. Hobbies- what makes you happy, relaxes you or challenges your personal development or growth is all apart of your self care.

  6. Personal connections- connecting with people who support you and truly care about you is a special need. These are people who made time for you at your lowest moments this year. They helped you live and not die, they listen and gave insights that were helpful and also made you laugh. They are part of your simple pleasures.

  7. Spirituality- Praise, worship, thankfulness, positive affirmations, self development in the realm of hope, substance of things hope for and the evidence of things not seen. Very important to have a relationship with your Holy Spirit, Spirit Guides of love and light, The Most High God and your Source of enlightment. This is where you will gain strength seeing light at the end of any issue and healing, where you can let go and gain the wisdom and intuition to what to do and where to do it. The most valuable gift you were born with to gain emotional connections to the very best people, place and things in this life time.

Let us know if these insights help you, you can find joy in 2024! You will be surprised what is waiting for you after this 2023 cycle ends! There are no dead ends, there is only lessons, tests then elevation where YOU have developed your self care and the NEW YOU IN 2024.

See you at the top!

Need help in these areas we can help there are many resources out here that can help you with mental health issues and support needed for you to grow in any of these areas in life. We can help you find those resources, contact us today!!

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