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VACHWA Hosting Annual Conference-Williamsburg VA

Come and join us as CHW Liberation Consulting joins VACHWA in support of their Annual Conference. This conference will be held on October 25th (Virtual) and October 26th( In- Person).

Need more information click on the link:

Their "Boots On The Ground" themed event will be an awesome event full of "The Virginia Community Health Worker Association is pleased to feature CHWs, nationally known speakers, and local government experts".

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Acompañenos del 25 y 26 de Octubre a nuestra conferencia híbrida en la cual experimentaremos un ambient acogedor y reinvigorante. La Asociación tiene el gusto de hospiciar presentaciones por parte de Promotores de Salud, oradores reconocidos a nivel nacional y expertos a nivel gubernamental.

**Tenemos un numero limitado de becas disponibles; apliquen ahora (fecha limite Viernes, 22 de septiembre, 2023)**

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